As the number of people infected with coronavirus in Brazil is increasing fast, and it affects not only the healthcare system but the whole society, a Seminary in Brazil is at the verge of closing down for lack of resources.
The minor seminary of San Jose in Juina – Brazil besides being a seminary, in this time of pandemic, has become a house of charity. Every day 40 meals are offered for the poor, the most vulnerable and homeless people who live on the streets.
However, for this seminary to continue the formation of seminarians, it always needs resources. The diocese has been able to cover 65% of its expenses and this year it was to assume 100% but with the corona virus pandemic, the situation has become very uncertain. The Administrative Council is planning to close the major seminary in July- the first semester for lack of money.
Bishop of the Diocese, Mgr Neri Jose Tondello recently wrote to ACN sharing some actions and concerns related to Covid in his diocese:
“I am writing to thank the benefactors who collaborate with the poorest in other lands in this world of God. We are all brothers. The intentions of Masses have helped in the formation of priests of the Diocese of Juina. We had the ordination of the diaconate of the seminarian Luis Carlos and the priestly ordination of Fr. Ernesto, who today is the rector of the minor seminary.
In the major seminary we have 4 seminarians, three in the theology course and one in philosophy. In the minor seminary we have three seminarians. We also have four seminarians who are in the parishes doing pastoral experience. Due to the uncertainty and lack of funds posed by the corona virus pandemic, The Administrative Council is planning to close the major seminary in July. We are in the fight. In our prayers with affection we remember your intentions with all confidence in God. Thank you very much. God bless you.”