Today, just like in the book of Acts, Christians are persecuted all over the world for their faith. Millions face imprisonment, loss of home and assets, physical torture, rape and even death as a result of their faith.
Our Ecclesiastical Assistant, Rev. Mons. Professor Hector Scerri says:
“the Acts of the Apostles is still being written in the lives of these Christians today. They are showing us what it means to be truly Christian. Their faith is an inspiration to us. Our love and generosity towards them are our duty and responsibility.”
As many Christians in the West are preparing to go to their safe, warm churches to celebrate the birth of Christ and sing Christmas carols, beleaguered Christian families in Syria, Pakistan, Iraq, South Sudan, Central African Republic and other countries are coping with all the hardships that come with persecution, rather than being able to enjoy the Christmas season with their fellow Christians and families.
However, with our range of Christmas Gifts of Faith, you can help change their lives forever. These Gifts of Faith could support our aid projects in impoverished areas of Africa, provide food and medicines and even rebuild the homes of displaced Christian families; Provide Transports for the Church to reach remote areas around the world or supply Christmas Parcels to Children in war-torn Syria.
This meaningful gift will help bring joy to these Christians and send them a message of hope that says ‘You are not alone. You are loved and remembered by me.’
As we look forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus at Christmas, if you are able, perhaps you would kindly consider making a special gift of faith in support of the suffering Church.
To do this, kindly visit or call 21487818.
When you a choose to give a Gift of Faith on behalf of a loved one, we will send you a beautiful gift card to give them, telling them about their gift and how it is helping those in real need.