The Nicaraguan dictatorship led by Daniel Ortega has prohibited holding the Stations of the Cross in the streets the same week that the dictator accused the Church of being a “mafia.” Local media reported Feb. 23 and 24 that the government had banned the Stations of the Cross, a traditional practice during Lent and Holy Week.
According to the Nicaraguan newspaper La Prensa, Father Winder Morales of the Diocese of Granada said that “the Stations of the Cross that we traditionally do on Fridays of Lent can only make its way around the cathedral.”
A source from the Church in Managua told La Prensa that “after the Ash Wednesday Mass, the authorities [police] arrived to inform them that there was no permission for security reasons to do the Stations of the Cross.”
The Nicaragua Actual newspaper published the transcript of an audio recording attributed to the bishop of León, René Sándigo, explaining to his priests how the Stations of the Cross should be done.
The government “has already told many that the Stations of the Cross can only be done inside or in the atrium of the church” but others have “not yet” been told that, he reportedly said.
“Therefore, it’s preferable and better that we all do the Stations of the Cross inside the church or in the atrium, so that we maintain that communion and also because it may be that some are told later or they may forget or not comply,” added the audio shared by Nicaragua Actual.
“I think these are times when we can strongly internalize these beautiful images of the Lord on the way to Calvary and live them intensely. God bless you all and may it be a Lent that allows us to transcend,” the audio concluded.
Source: Catholic News Agency