Transport for priests and Sisters

Transport for priests and Sisters

In many of the countries where we work, priests, Sisters and catechists have to travel great distances to serve Christian communities scattered over hundreds of miles. These servants of God are willing to undertake exhausting and sometimes perilous journeys across difficult terrain to bring the sacraments, pastoral teaching, schooling and health care to the faithful. Without these visits God’s Word would rarely reach many cut-off Catholics. That is why Aid to the Church in Need provides essential and effective transport including four-wheel-drive vehicles, cars, motorbikes, bicycles, outboard motors for boats and even donkeys – whatever is most appropriate to the terrain. Helping a priest or Sister reach their far-flung Christian communities can cost as little as €60 for a bicycle, €900 for a motorbike, or €6,000 for a car capable of taking on the tough terrain. You can find out more about our transport projects below.