
A vehicle for Saint Anthony’s seminary in Ntungamo.

It was almost 20 years since they had first purchased the old vehicle they were using for the seminary of Saint Anthony in Ntungamo. Given the terrible state of the roads, it was something of a miracle that it had managed to stay in service for so long. But in the end the only thing that kept them going was prayer – that the vehicle would not break down somewhere along the way. Not only that, but the vehicle was guzzling more and more fuel and becoming increasingly expensive for the seminary to run and maintain.

Clearly, there was an urgent need for a new vehicle for the seminary – and not only for their own needs, such as shopping for food, transport and materials and so forth, but also because it was virtually the only vehicle in the area and for many people the only possible way of ferrying the sick and injured to the local hospital in the nearby town, around 5 miles away. Day and night people still come knocking on the seminary door, asking for help with medical emergencies. For the seminary is no isolated island, existing for itself alone, but is also there to help the local population, most of whom live in deep poverty and need. Without the priests, religious sisters and students at the seminary they would have no one to help them.

The rector of the seminary, Father Vitus Mrosso, wrote to ACN some time ago. “We urgently need a new vehicle that will not be a source of constant concern for us and that will enable us to go on helping the widows, orphans, expectant mothers and other poor people in the surrounding villages – something we have been doing ever since the seminary was built here. We are hoping that our modest request will find a place on your office desk and in your hearts.”

And indeed it did. Thanks to the generous response of our benefactors, we were able to give him 20,000 Euros in order to purchase a new vehicle. The vehicle was commissioned with a solemn blessing, and now the rector wants to thank all the generous benefactors who have made this possible. “Without this vehicle, life would have been very difficult for us. There are no words, no phrases that are sufficient to express just how happy we are with this new vehicle. May God richly bless you all for your generosity!”

Code: 154-02-29