
Two village chapels.

The parish of Unai was founded almost 55 years ago by Spanish Jesuits. It is situated in an area of the diocese of Baroda in the northwest of the country, where there are many members of the ethnic minorities. The priests, sisters and lay catechists work very hard to support the people. By now the parish includes 28 villages, in 24 of which most people are already baptised, while many more people are preparing for Baptism in the remaining four.

The Church is still young here but despite this, the people have a strong faith and they play a very active part in the life of the parish.

The villages all have small chapels where the people can gather to pray. However, most of them are already around 30 years old and built, as they are, of only the most basic materials – mud, cow dung and bamboo – they have become very dilapidated over the course of time. There are cracks in the walls, and the monsoon rains come pouring through the roof, while the foundations are also weak. Not surprisingly, therefore, their parish priest turned to ACN for help to build new chapels in two of the villages. Thanks to the prompt and generous response of our benefactors, we were able to help with a contribution of 15,000 Euros. So now the two villages of Mahuva and Kapadian have been able to witness the consecration of two beautiful new chapels. One of the chapels is dedicated to Christ, the King of Kings, the other to Mary, Mother of the Redeemer. In each of the villages, the day of the consecration was commemorated with great festivity, with a solemn Holy Mass, processions, Eucharistic Adoration, the Holy Rosary and solemn hymns – and not least with a shared festive meal. All the people of the neighbouring villages were also invited.

Father Lazarus D’Souza writes: “It was an unforgettable occasion in the lives of the children and also for the more elderly members of the villages. It was the fulfilment of a long-cherished dream for them. God has been good to them. The people of the village praised God for his wonderful deeds – and they are also very grateful to ACN for your generous support.”

Code: 317-01-19