Two village chapels. The parish of Unai was founded almost 55 years ago by Spanish Jesuits. It is situated in an area of the diocese of Baroda in the northwest of the country, where there are many members of the ethnic minorities. The priests, sisters and lay catechists work very hard to support the people....
Project Category: <span>Key Projects</span>
Help to renovate one wing of a building in Istanbul for the Franciscan Fathers. The territory of the modern state of Turkey covers an area that can be considered in many respects as the “Cradle of Christianity”. For it was here that some of the earliest Christian communities were established, already in the times of...
Mass Stipends for 23 priests working in the Amazon region. The apostolic vicariate of Yurimaguas lies in the Amazon region of eastern Peru. Covering an area of some 27,000 square miles (70,000 km²) the vicariate is larger in area than many of the smaller European countries. The Netherlands and Switzerland, for example have an area...
A car for one of the “Farms of Hope” It’s a story that goes back a long way – Hans Stapel, from the German town of Paderborn, was just a young boy when he first met Father Werenfried van Straaten, the legendary “Bacon Priest” and founder of ACN. It was in the late 1950s. After...
Help for the care and medical treatment of 20 elderly religious sisters ACN Malta – Aid to the Church in Need The congregation of the Steyler Missionary Sisters (“Servants of the Holy Spirit”) was founded in Germany in 1889 and grew very rapidly. Today they are present in 47 different countries. Initially, they were engaged...
Bosnia and Herzegovina
New doors and windows for the European School in Zenica Following the collapse of the former communist republic of Yugoslavia, a fierce civil war raged in Bosnia and Herzegovina for three years, from 1992 until 1995. By the end of that time this tragic war had claimed no fewer than 243,000 lives, while some 2...
“Giving hope in bleak times: help for young Jordanians, both Christian and Muslim “We must not leave the extremists a clear field” Jordan, 30 December 2014: For years, the Hashemite Kingdom has been a haven for refugees from Iraq. However, refugees are also arriving by the thousands from Syria. They are fleeing from war and...
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