May 15, 2020May 15, 2020

The Coronavirus Pandemic

The Coronavirus Pandemic

€ 0

Campaign Target


0% € 0 to go

The Coronavirus Pandemic is worsening the humanitarian conditions of our poor & suffering brethren.

ACN is calling for urgent prayers and support

In many parts of the world, this pandemic falls on the faithful who are in an already extreme and vulnerable situation; making their situation even worse.

Our project partners are doing all they can.  Distance does not prevent our priests and nuns from caring for the most vulnerable, Masses are still being celebrated, though pews are empty and Catholic communities are distributing food and health supplies, including masks to help keep the virus from spreading.

 “We, at ACN are united with the brave and dedicated priests and nuns who give their all to serve the world’s most vulnerable communities, and with all who are suffering around the world” says Dr. Thomas Heine-Geldern, ACN’s Executive President.

To support these clergy who are serving those badly hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) has pledged €5M in emergency funding.

Dr. Heine-Geldern said:

 “It is our wish that this aid, made possible by the constant generosity of our benefactors, will help ease the burden on our courageous religious, who stand on the front lines, bringing God’s love and compassion to our suffering brothers and sisters. This is a drop in the bucket in terms of what is and will be needed.”

ACN is thankful to you, our donors, who, often despite your own pain and hardship, are reaching out to your fellow human beings in love and compassion.

Can you help them continue with what seems to be an overwhelming task right now?

As you support them, they are praying for you.

“We have to adapt to this new way of how to be ‘love in action’ during a lockdown”

Sr. Christin Joseph, Sister of Charity of the Holy Cross, India.