The Chapel of the Good Shepherd Balzan was filled to its capacity on Sunday 18th November 2018 with benefactors, families of departed benefactors, Local Superior and Sisters of the Good Shepherd, staff and promoters of Aid to the Church in Need (Malta) for a Requiem Mass which is held annually to pray for departed benefactors of ACN.

Celebrating the Mass which was transmitted live on TVM 2, H.E Mgr Paul Cremona O.P, Archbishop Emeritus explained that Aid to the Church has been in existence since 1947 as a Pontifical Charity committed to helping persecuted and oppressed Christians in many Countries of the world.

Making reference to the second letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians where St. Paul used the example of the Macedonian churches to encourage the Corinthian church to generosity, the Prelate called on all to join hands with ACN to help the  suffering Church who are poor and persecuted.

Special prayers were offered for the repose of the souls of the departed benefactors,  the departed Good Shepherd Sisters, the persecuted Christians all over the world and the Pope’s intention for the month of November, that the language of love and dialogue may prevail over the language of conflict.

The liturgy was enlivened with performances by the Good Shepherd Chapel Choir under the direction of Anthony M. Galea, a staff of Aid to the Church in Need.

Mr Stephen Axisa, National Director thanked His Excellency for accepting to celebrate the Mass and presented to him the gift of the “Magnificat Book” about the life of Our Lady.

To watch the full video of the Mass click here…..

ACN Malta