PREMIER FILM SCREENING: Augustine, the Son of her Tears

Aid to the Church in Need Malta in collaboration with the Augustinian Institute presents something extraordinary! A film on one of the greatest Saints of the Catholic Church is being interpreted by Muslim actors from Algiers and Tunisia under the guidance of the President of SOHT Film Production & Global Distribution, Henri Aoun. This is indeed an innovative initiative that has led to greater respect among people of different cultures and religions.

The film titled, “Augustine, the Son of her Tears” directed by Samir Seif, an Egyptian Xenographer was supported by the Ministry for Culture of Algiers and Tunisia. It won the Best Artistic Achievement award at the 33rd Alexandria Film Festival for Mediterranean countries held last October and the Audience Prize for Best Film at Wahran Film Festival in Algiers.

The premiere of this film will be shown at the Embassy Theatre, Valletta on 3rd October 2018 at 18.30hrs and also at the Oratory Don Bosco Theatre, Victoria, Gozo on 4th October 2018 at 19.00hrs.

€5 donation in aid of street children in Aleppo, Syria will be appreciated.

The Film Director, Mr Samir Seif, President of SOHT Film Production & Global Distribution, Mr Henri Auon and Mr Jean Maher, President of the Franco-Egyptian Organisation for Human Rights and Film Artists are expected to be in attendance.


Grace Attu     – PR & Media Communications


T: 21487818       M: 79066136

Aid to the Church in Need (Malta), 39b, Mdina Road. Attard  ATD 9038,


ACN Malta is the local office of Aid to the Church in Need (ACN ), an international Catholic charitable pontifical foundation which primarily strives to help nurture the faith and well-being of persecuted and suffering Christians worldwide. Founded in 1947 by Fr Werenfried van Straaten, whom St John Paul II named “An Outstanding Apostle of Charity”, ACN supports important projects undertaken by the local Church (bishops, priests, Sisters and lay people) in over 140 countries including Iraq and Syria. These range from giving aid to refugees and building churches to providing essential transport for our field workers and distributing copies of our Child’s Bible.

ACN also helps the Missionaries, Priests, Religious and Lay Maltese/Gozitans in various projects they might need.

While ACN gives full permission for the media to freely make use of the charity’s press releases, please acknowledge ACN as the source of stories when using the material.