Share your family Christmas dinner with a Christian refugee family

Share your family Christmas dinner with a Christian refugee family

Share your family Christmas dinner with a Christian refugee family

This Christmas Aid to the Church in Need (Malta) is inviting families in Gozo to share their Christmas meal with Christian families who lost everything when they fled their homes in Iraq and Syria to escape from Islamic State terrorists. No we’re not actually asking you to invite a family from the Middle East into your home for Christmas! That would not be practical.

What we are suggesting is an idea proposed by Fr Khalil Jaar, who cares for 400 displaced Syrian and Iraqi families at his parish in Jordan, when he visited Gozo last October. All you have to do is set a symbolic extra place at your Christmas table and donate whatever you plan to spend per person on your Christmas meal, either at home or in a restaurant.

Your donations will provide “Parcels of Love” containing food items for displaced families. Many of them can no longer afford a special meal at Christmastime and may have lost some of the relatives and friends they would have spent Christmas with in the past as a result of violence.

This year ACN is again providing Christmas food parcels for 13,500 displaced Christian families from Mosul and Nineveh, as we have done since Islamic State forced millions of Christians in the Middle East to flee their homes. With financial aid from ACN, for the last three months local workers have been assembling many thousands of Christmas packages, ready for distribution to displaced families who sought shelter in the Kurdistan province of Erbil, Iraq. Other Christmas parcels are also being sent to thousands of displaced Syrian families currently living in Lebanon and Jordan.

Share your love and prosperity with these families – give them a Christmas gift they’ll never forget! Please send a cheque made out to ACN (Malta) in an envelope marked “Share your Christmas meal” by regular post to the following address: ACN Malta, 39b, Mdina Road, Attard, ATD9038 Malta. You can also make a donation via bank transfer to APS Account Number 20001771733.  Please send an email with “Share your Christmas meal” in the title to  to let us know when the donation transfer payment was made.