Genocide –Persecuted Christians need you
Aid to the Church in Need (Malta) is launching our Persecuted Christians Need You campaign to raise awareness of the suffering of Christians who are being persecuted because of their faith in Christ. ACN is inviting everyone to learn about the plight and urgent needs of their brothers and sisters in Christ, who are walking their own Way of the Cross, and to respond to their message: ‘Please pray for us. Please tell our stories. Please save us.’
Christians in Syria and Iraq live in fear of targeted attacks against their churches, communities and families. Hundreds of thousands are now homeless and depend on the Church for their survival. Indeed, the survival of Christianity itself is hanging in the balance. They trust the Church to help them and the Church relies on Aid to the Church in Need and others to do this.
ACN fact-finding visits to Iraq and Syria have uncovered widespread acts of ISIS genocide against Christians and other minorities. ACN found evidence of intent to force Christians out of their homes on pain of death, killings, abductions, notably including clergy, desecration of churches and religious symbols, and hate speech.
Please visit and join our campaign by pledging your support. Please request copies of our leaflet and distribute them so that all Christians in Malta and Gozo will be more aware of the suffering and help our Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
With your support and generosity, ACN is helping those who are determined to remain in their homeland. ACN funds over 140 emergency and pastoral projects in Syria and Iraq, prioritising pastoral help and emergency aid to displaced and refugee families in the Middle East.
We can continue to stand alongside those Christian communities with your help.