ACN supports Pope Francis’ call to pray for people persecuted for their faith  -Maria Lozano

ACN supports Pope Francis’ call to pray for people persecuted for their faith


THE POPE’S PRAYER INTENTIONS for March 2017: “That persecuted Christians may be supported by the prayers and material help of the whole Church.”

The March edition of The Pope Video, produced by The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network and supported by ACN (Aid to the Church in Need), concerns the situation of Christians persecuted and discriminated because of their faith around the world.

As Pope Francis has constantly reminded us: “How many people are being persecuted because of their faith, forced to abandon their homes, their places of worship, their lands, their loved ones!.”Solidarity should be shown to our brothers and sisters suffering discrimination, violence or persecutions for their faith. “

According to the report of the pontifical foundation ACN on Religious Freedom in the World, Christians are the most persecuted religion globally. This fundamental right of man is seriously threatened in 38 countries, 23 of which classify as persecution.

In his prayer intention the Holy Father tells us to pray for them: “I ask you: how many of you pray for persecuted Christians?  Do it with me, that they may be supported by the prayers and material help of all the Churches and communities.”

“We thank the Holy Father for his constant concern for persecuted Christians. ACN has been helping the suffering church since the beginning of its history. Unfortunately the situation in the world has not improved over the years, the scenarios change but the suffering continues: once it was communism, today it is mainly Islamic fundamentalism. This call is more current than ever”, says Johannes Heereman, ACN’s Executive President.

The Pope Video

The Pope Video is a global initiative developed by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer) to disseminate the monthly intentions of the Holy Father concerning the challenges facing challenges facing humanity. The videos, created by La Machi Communication for Good Causes, seek to unite people in praying with Pope Francis for those challenges. The Project has the support of the Vatican Television Center (CTV).

Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer)

For over a century, the Apostleship of Prayer has been publishing to the world the prayer intentions entrusted to them by popes. Now, in its process of recreation, the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network emphasizes its role of communicating the prayer intentions and leveraging new media and tools. Its mission is to unite people in prayer and service in response to the challenges facing humanity which the Holy Father expresses in his monthly intentions. Those who participate in this network are encouraged to become apostles in daily life through a spiritual path called “Way of the Heart,” transforming those who take that path in the service of the mission of Jesus Christ. Founded in 1844 and present in 98 countries, unites more than 35 million people in its network, including its youth branch, the Eucharistic Youth Movement.


Maria Lozano