
Success Story: how you helped 76 young people from the Amazon region to take part in the National Youth Day in Manta

A letter of thanks has reached us from the heart of the Amazon rainforest, from the apostolic vicariate of Napo in Ecuador. Our benefactors had helped with 9,000 Euros so that 76 young people from the vicariate could take part in the National Youth Day in the city of Manta earlier this year. Those involved were above all youth group leaders who were given the chance to take part in a variety of different catechetical sessions and other gatherings so that they could share the joy of the faith with many other young people from all over the country and, through this mutual encounter and exchange, get to know better the reality of the Catholic Church in Ecuador. Now back in their own parishes, they can share their experiences with the many other young people who did not have the chance to take part in the youth day. The national meeting in Manta was in fact a preparation for the World Youth Day which is due to be held in Kraków (Cracow) in Poland in 2016.

Although the population of Ecuador is more than 90% Catholic, there is a strong secularist agenda within the political establishment which is causing some concern for the Church. Hence it is all the more important that young people become deeply rooted in the faith and life of the Church.

The apostolic Vicar, Bishop Adelio Pasqualotto writes to us, “May the Lord continue always to bless you and all your generous benefactors. Be assured that we are praying for you and including all your intentions very specially in Holy Mass“